Monday, March 2, 2009

Project Outline

PROJECT: My project is to find a way to re-use waste water for improving sustainability. This topic will be narrowed out more based on what I find during my research.

METHOD: To find different ways to use waste water on-site.

1. Can I extract heat from warm waste water and transfer it to incoming water?

2. Can I re-use the waste water to water vegetation?

3. How can I go about implementing an on site treatment facility?

4. Can I use the flow of waste water to generate some electricity?

5. Would an algae pond be an effective method of treating waste water?

SPECIAL PROBLEMS: I would like to find information on similar projects to see what it would cost to implement a system of this type. Or if I could find products and methods that already exist. Also what maintenance issues that would arise.


Hitchcock, Darcy E. (2006). The Business Guide to Sustainability.
London; Sterling, VA. Earthscan.

Kincade-Levario, Heather. (2007) Design for Water.
Gabriona, B.C. New Society Publishers.

Harvey, L. (2006). A Handbook on Low-Energy Buildings and District Energy Systems.
London; Sterling, VA. Earthscan.

Smith, Peter F. (2005). Architecture in a Climate of Change.
Oxford, Boston. Elsevier/Architectural Press.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to my BLOG!

This will be my BLOG for my Applied Research Project in EDDT 231.

I am currently interested in researching ways to re-use waste water. Things that I will be looking for include:
- Heat Recovery
- On-site treatment
- Alternative Uses
- Rainwater management

What I will be looking for in my research is to find unbiased information to determine if a said method or product will be worth it to use in a high rise structure. As such will it be more cost effective in the life of the stucture to use this method or product.

I will end up narrowing out my topic based on my research findings.