Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to my BLOG!

This will be my BLOG for my Applied Research Project in EDDT 231.

I am currently interested in researching ways to re-use waste water. Things that I will be looking for include:
- Heat Recovery
- On-site treatment
- Alternative Uses
- Rainwater management

What I will be looking for in my research is to find unbiased information to determine if a said method or product will be worth it to use in a high rise structure. As such will it be more cost effective in the life of the stucture to use this method or product.

I will end up narrowing out my topic based on my research findings.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so one method of filtering stormwater is through the use of bioswales. Not sure what direction you want to take your project but looking into reusing filtered water from bioswales may be interesting.

    Here is a website to let you have a look if you are interested at all. Also my topic uses bioswales but in a completely different way so if you do become interested watch my blog for resources.
